Saturday, February 17, 2007

I want your skull

I'm sending this one to I want you skull, hoping to be in their next print zine. I think they're getting more submission now than the last time, so it might be tough to get in. Also, the skulls aren't really the dominant theme here (as required in their guidelines), so it might be a bit too cute for them! Might as well send it though. It was fun to make, so it's not all in vain.

I simplified the image a little, and added the bird as a sceleton. Ha, still it really seems that this piece refuses to be about sceletons, no matter how much sceletal stuff I add to it! Well, I tried. So here's the version that I actually submitted:

1 comment:

Frederik Jurk said...

Interesting link - I don´t think the picture is too cute, maybe the skull on the sleeve is a bit tacked on, but the face is impressive. It´s the pictures center.